Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My top 5 parent things that I LOVE and an update ofcourse... it's been too long.

Its been too long since I've written.  I am finally in the swing of things since last year.  Yes, I know, it's been a year since I quit by J.O.B. to live my dream life as an entrepreneur.  Jack is now 1 1/2 years old and he gets more fun everyday.  Let me be honest, and I know that those of you that know me know that I am sometimes TOO honest, staying at home with your child(ren) is NOT all that its cracked up to be.  It is the hardest job that I have ever had.  I love Jack dearly and I now know that I am not cut out for this life of taking care of kids.  Thank goodness for my Mk Biz that allows me to have a career outside of the home.  Speaking of MK, this year has been a great year!  We just qualified for our 4th car and one of my personal team members qualified to become a Sales Director herself!  So, Yay!  I am so happy for her!  Back to this mom thing now.  Here's the sum of what I think (so far) are the coolest things I have experienced, so far, becoming a mom:
1. I had natural child-birth - it was totally awesome, and I was so proud of myself!  I was amazed at how present I was to my body while I was in labor.  Seriously one of the coolest things I have ever done was give birth with out drugs so I could feel the whole thing.  I was 200% committed going in that I was going to do it and I did.  After Jack came out, not so much fun, just wasn't, but it got better.
2.  Seeing Jack develop, NOT easy, but fun.  I remember the first time he clapped.  I had never taught him but he just looked at me, smiled, and then he clapped and giggled.  He was so proud of himself.
3.  Baby wise!  I LOVE this book series. It was the 2nd BEST thing that we did as parents.  I highly recommend it for parents that are solid and don't want their children to be the center of their lives but be a part of their lives.  It was my Baby Care 'Bible' and I still use a lot of it today.  Jack started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old.  Sleep training is awesome.  So we have been spoiled parents because for the most part we have gotten a great nights sleep and so has Jack since he was 6 weeks old. 
4.  Independent Playtime in the pack and play - also in Baby wise 2 - Toddler wise.  This time gives me uninterrupted time to get things done around the house and get ready for the day.  Jack loves it, and the book talks about how much they learn while playing by themselves confined.  This is a lifesaver for me many days. 
5.  Jack took his first steps at 9.5 months.  I was so relieved because he is heavy and I needed him to walk! 

That's all for now folks, or whoever reads this.  I'll be posting more as I feel called. 

Besa :-)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Babies are fascinating.

 Babies are so fascinating!  Jack was just about to sleep and he got his leg stuck in the crib.  I'm sitting here pumping and he's upset in his crib, so I get myself unhooked and go to the other room to get his leg free so that he can fall asleep.  It was REALLY stuck!  I had to force it through!  Poor kid!  He cried even more getting it out. Normally it's not a big deal, but the boy is just big! Alls well now... don't worry...

We had an amazing play date today with Jen and Will Beyzak.  The babies were so cute together.  Jack tried to feed Will his snacks.  Super cute!

So for now, Jack is walking, most of the time he doesn't like getting his diaper changed, he loves to babble, he loves nap time, he's very healthy, he is a morning person like his dad, he doesn't like mom leaving the room, and is very happy (MOST of the time) 

No complaints here, but still a very small chance that he will have a brother or sister... VERY small. HA!

Besa :-)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tapping into Success - for my life an for my business

I recently took(and am repeating) a course called Tapping into Ultimate Success. I mentioned this in my last post. It has been one of the most powerful courses I have taken. Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner created a powerful course together. I am so grateful that I got the email about it and knew instantly when I read it that this course was just what I needed.

So I wanted to share with you all some of the things that have been happening with me as a result of tapping. I am going to blog about it here and maybe those of you tappers out there will have a place to reference.

Let me start from the beginning. The first module of this 6 week course was about general tapping. To learn more about tapping and the science behind it google 'The Tapping Solution' by Nick Ortner, and then google 'Tapping Into Ultimate Success" by Pamela Bruner and Jack Canfield. Both books are amazing reads about tapping and both have excercises that show you how to tap and where on your body. You can also check out http://www.thetappingsolution.com/ Nick Ortner has great videos that explain the science behind why tapping works. Basically you tap on meridian points on your body and it sends a calming signal to your brain. Here are some of the things that I have tapped on in my business:

1. I am afraid to make calls (Please understand that I am a master booker, but there are times when I get afraid and it paralyzes me)
2. People will no show or cancel
3. People will get to know the real me
4. My consultants will quit and leave me
5. I am scared to ask because they will think _______. (fill in the blank)

These are just a few. I have also tapped on a lot of 'life' things. One of the mdoules I worked with was about matrix reimprinting. I worked on past events that really were hard for me and reprinted them in my head. For example one of them was the day my mom had a Grand Mal seizure when I was in junior high. It was a very tramatic event for me and I was able to change the event in my mind by using tapping. I know it sounds a little crazy, but it works and now when I think of the moment it's fuzzy and I think about Disney World, because that is what my little me wanted to experience in that moment, so we went to Disney World. I would much rather remember Disney World than the event. It used to make me cry every time I thought of it because it carried so much emotional weight. Now it's Cinderella and Disney.

Here are the benefits that I have had from tapping so far. I have had a TON less tension about day to day business activities. I also now find a lot of JOY, EASE, and FUN in making booking and follow up calls. I have alse truly released a lot of fears and limiting beliefs. Here are some that you may know:
-I don't know how I am going to fit it all in
-I don't have the time
-I am tired a lot
-Success doesn't last
-how will I sustain this?
-I'm not as good as she is(I'm not good enough) This one is all about comparison...

Honestly, now that I have tapped on a lot of them, I don't remember them anymore. That's the beauty of using tapping, you will forget a lot of these thoughts even existed. It's a miracle, but it really isnt because it is scientifically proven. It is such a great support tool for life. I even used it on the airplane to Leadership Conference in New Orleans, our flight was VERY bumpy from turbulence. Tapping helped me to get back to calm.

My plan is to continue to blog about my tapping experiences to share them with whoever is reading this. And also to share how it is helping in creating FREEDOM in my life. More tangibly it is helping me create a successful business.

I'm out for now!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ok, we have a new tooth and two new ones coming in on the top. My mother-in-law says they either grow teeth or hair, and Jack has the hair first.  That's that.
This morning he started making a new sound.  Jack is so vocal, he loves the sound of his voice.  I think he got that from me.  :-)  Well, his new sound is a clucking with his tongue.  It's really cute.  I think that walking is about to happen.  He pulls himself up on everything, and started that at around 7 months old.  Now he is letting go and just standing there, and thus anyday I expect he'll figure out that he can do it and just do it.  That's how crawling seemed to happen, there was never an army crawl, he just scooted a little and then lifted himself up and went.  I wish I had commentary on the thoughts going through his brain.  I imagine that they would be really funny, but maybe not.  It is funny though that John and I add the comentary, just like we do for the dogs. 

John has been off of work for Christmas break for 2 weeks, and it's been really nice to have his help.  Now that we have settled a lot better into being parents, stress levels are down for both of us.  That first 6 months was really rough.  I don't care what anyone says, this job is hard, it gets easier, but it's hard!  It's not like a fairytale, don't kid yourself.....

I am finally feeling settled and normal.  I wish that women didn't have to go through so many hormonal changes with pregnancy and breastfeeding.  At the same time I feel blessed that I have been able to be the source of food for Jack. 
My Mary Kay unit had its best month all year last month.  I am so proud of my unit and I am excited for this new year to build my business.
I have been taking a course called, " Tapping into Ultimate Success" with Pameal Bruner and Jack Canfield(author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books."  It has been amazing.  I am loving learning EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) It has added an amazing tool to my support tool kit and I am excited to see how it helps me in my life and in my business. 

Stay tuned for more, Jack changes everyday and I want to try to log it here to share with all of you and to have printed for Jack. 
Besa and the Fam...