I want to share with you some things that I have loved in my daily life and that have supported me in my business journey. I love to learn and I really believe that life is about growing and learning.
Recently I started taking a course called, "Tapping into Ultimate Success" with Pamela Bruner and Jack Canfield. It is really great. EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) or otherwise known as Meridian Tapping is a scientifically proven process. You'll have to read about it because I don't want to mis quote anything about it here. Basically tapping sends a calming signal to the brain. It can speed up affirmation, when used correctly, and I LOVE it! I was introduced to tapping through Hay House Radio, which I also recommend, and I heard Nick Ortner on his radio show. Nick is the author of 'The Tapping Solution' and he was working with a caller on her hip pain. Yes, this tapping thing helps with pain. Anyway, I stared tapping with them because I have sciatica pain, and my pain went away. It was so amazing because I have had sciatica for YEARS, probably since high school. It would come and go, but there were many times where I would have to take pain relief to sleep at night. It wasn't always so painful, but at times it definitely was. If you have it you know what I mean. The worst part is that it is constant pain. It's not like a contraction that lasts for a minute, it's like a consistent one. EEEEwwwww! So, back to tapping, I started using it for that pain and I haven't had the sciatica pain since. Yay!
Well, I started taking this course because I am on a few Hay House email lists and this webinar with Jack and Pamela was on it and I watched and dove in. So far, it has really been a great course, I expect that I will be tapping my way to anything in life, health, wealth, ease, freedom, etc..... I am loving it. If you're interested please google Pamela and Jack and check out there products. I would love to hear what you think if you take the course or read the book. All are very experiential.
B :-)
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