Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This Holiday weekend has been wonderful.  Yesterday we spent Christmas eve with the Regan's and it was such a joy.  The food was amazing, and the company was eventful.  Max(Our 1.5 yr old black lab) had a cookie or two out of some hands and our nephew was in the children's Christmas program at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.  The day was full of love, gifts, and gratitude.  We feel so blessed to have amazing people in our lives.  Today is our day with my side of the family, the Ajdari's.  So far so fun.  4 dogs in the house, one fiance of my sister who is super laid back, and love galore because that's how we do it.  There's a Turkey that's in the oven waiting to be chowed on and  we are awaiting my mom's arrival from work so that we can open presents.  I cant' wait for her to open hers!

Living Courageously:
Today I started shopping online for airline tickets to Europe.  I love taking action on my dreams.  John mentioned today that we should skip Europe and go some where tropical.  I am open to that, but I am so pumped and get so much energy with the thought of going to France to tour the Louvre and seeing Rome and all of it's wonders.  And did I mention that the thought of seeing the Coliseum just  makes me want to watch Gladiator?  Oh yes!  Alas{{sigh}}, I am open to a different adventure as well.

I looked up the definition of adventure and here it is:

  1. exciting experience: an exciting or extraordinary event or series of events
  2. bold undertaking: an undertaking involving uncertainty and risk
  3. involvement in bold undertakings: the participation or willingness to participate in things that involve uncertainty and risk
I love how Webster uses the word 'risk' to describe adventure. Risk for me means FUN!  So, with that in mind, I will be open to seeing that there might be some other 'adventure' out there for us while keeping my eye out on tickets to Europe.  And of course I will be creating some adventures for us to the Outback to try some new foods, and perhaps an Anniversary adventure that takes us to Duluth and the GlenSheen mansion.  You just never know, but if you stay with me on this journey you will see how it all unfolds. 

Besa :-)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's a new day and we're adding to our list

Well, we are adding to the list.  It's fun to dream and keep dreaming and expand our minds. 
I believe that God intended for us to have our dreams.  So we will keep dreaming and adding to our list to live adventurously with faith, courage, and love. 
God Bless,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Making the list.... it's so many things!

After discussing this idea with John there was some resistance, but with the resistance came some conversation and communication together on what this journey together would be like.  So now, through the adventure of a rocky beginning, we begin.  I am excited to post our dreams and desires and share them.  I love that we have begun this and I had not intended it to be at the end of a year and the beginning of another, but how cool is that? 
So, please be patient with us as we gather and begin this amazing journey of Faith, Love, and Adventure together. 

Lots of love and blessings,

Monday, December 19, 2011

FIrst Day!

I am so excited to start our list of faith and share it with you.  First I have to make it with John..  {{Shhhhhhh}}  He doesn't know that I started this yet.  :-)