Jack is a crazy teether. I am certain that any moment he will smile and have ALL of his teeth in. HA HA HA! I wish for his sake!
Anyway, his newest trick has been clapping. He just sat up at one point yesterday and started clapping. He just realized that he could put these huge juicy things that he chews and sucks on all day together. Really cute. Warms a heart just watching these little things. I find gratitude in the little things, and I know that God is showing it to me. I am often irritated as a parent because watching a baby all day is hard for me. It's not my cup of tea. I am also humbled. I was that girl that always said, " when I'm a parent I won't......" and " When I'm a parent I will...... " Really?! It's the hardest job in the world, at least for me. So to all the parents out there I bow to you. I also forgive myself for being so judgemental of other parents. I can't promise that I will not do it still, but I can say that I will be so much more open to hearing other ideas and even more understanding.
Enjoy your day!
This is our journey of life together. John and I are excited to take life to a whole new level. We want to be daring, courageous, brave, and have adventure in our lives. Here are some of the ways that we want to express ourselves as individuals and as a couple. We love that you have joined us on our journey and we know that you will have a part in it. We are open and excited to see how you show up on our journey together.
New Page - Coming Soon!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sitting up, solids....
He is 6 months old and growing up! Tomorrow he'll be graduating from high school and going to college. Being at home is a learning experience. I find myself frustrated a lot and also open to experiencing balance in my life with this new life of not working full time. I am dealing with the hormonal animal of breast feeding. I'm tired a lot, snappy, and anxious. This happens to be the other side of things that I don't think get talked about enough. The part of being a new mom that's hard. It gets better everyday, and I pray about it a lot.
On the flip side it is a true joy to be at home when he wakes up from naps, to be there when he does something new. All the while being able to bring in income to our household. Thank you to Mary Kay for creating this opportunity for women. I am so excited to earn my 4th car in Mary Kay. I'll post it when it gets here.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
No teeth yet...
Jack is drooling and chewing and no teeth. These suckers take time I guess. These days are learning days for him and me. It seems that he is going through a growth spurt and so am I. I am growing into working from home and being my own boss full time and he is developing that amazing brain of his. But then I guess I am too. Amazing. These days for jack are lots of moving. He is rolling across the floor and scooting. I can see that he's learning to get his legs under him and very soon I think will be crawling. I am actually looking forward to that a little. I think he gets frustrated because he can't move and I think he'll have fun with it. And I know I most likely will too. It will keep me more on my toes. Life is great in this respect. Pretty sure we probably aren't having anymore kids but not saying for sure because it isn't set in stone. Ha ha!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Hell's Kitchen and Wicked
Had a blast last night with Terryn Weygandt and Loreen Freeberg. We went to Hell's Kitchen and then to see Wicked at the Orpheum. Hell's kitchen was pretty cool but my meal didn't have much flavor. I ordered the shrimp scampi, it was a pasta dish. I'm only telling you this so that if you go to eat there you know that if you're looking for a bland type if meal then you can get the shrimp.
Wicked was amazing. Fiyero was easy on the eyes but wasn't as good as the last one. Regardless it was still amazing. I love hanging out with Terryn and Lori. Two amazing women.
Friday, September 20, 2013
New cars and the blessings of hard work and financial independence.
My husband sold his truck last week and this week we are getting two new cars. We are selling my car soon too. It was a family decision. We didn't necessarily need two new cars but we decided it was a smart decision before something crazy went wrong with mine and most importantly my car wasn't very easy to work with in getting jacks new car seat in it. So here we are buying new cars in cash because we have been smart with our money. I am so grateful and feeling so blessed.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
So funny
Today is a day of newness. Really everyday is new. I put jack down for his nap at 11:30 and he has been playing in his crib since he woke up at 12. Hilarious. I guess when I go get him he will be hungry and then tired right away. The routine is messy today but I know how to distract this little rascal. Muahhaahhhhahhhahhhahh!!!!!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Still settling in.
Jacks new thing these days is making a fist and tapping it on things. It's quite funny. I also think teething night have started. Not really sure since babies are different.
John we went to visit dad at work some he has prep time today starting at 2.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Settling in
I'm not sure if ill ever feel settled in. I find myself thinking about work even though I don't really miss it.
Jack is growing and doing something new everyday. I have to admit sometimes I find myself impatient and annoyed and I have to take a deep breath and remember that he is on his journey that God has planned. Each day is so new to him. As I'm writing this I realize that I can learn a lot from him. Each moment is new and filled with wonder. I could take a page from his book and look at the world and each moment with wonder as if its all new.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Stress, didn't realize how much energy I was using for work.
Yesterday was one of the most relaxing days I have had in a long time. I didn't think that I really had that much energy going into work but I guess I did. I was exhausted yesterday! I felt my body relax and it was amazing. At the same time I had to give myself permission to take a day off from my Mary Kay business. My old patterns creeped up again though and I tried to force myself to do one thing in my business. It wasn't the wisest decision I've ever made because I was so tired. My friend Teresa Romain taught me the concept that the energy you put out is mirrored in the results that you get back. Well, tired phone calls didn't happen, but from experience I can tell you that I have had not great results from making calls when I need rest. What I can say is I feel relief, peace, relaxed, open, free....yes free is the dominant feeling.
I am about to leave to see the insurance agent about our health insurance coverage after my work insurance is done this month. I am so grateful that I am financially ready for this time in our lives and that I can enjoy our son and my life. I LOVE my life!!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
All done, sad and excited all at the same time.
Today was my last day at work and it was so sad. I cried when I left as I was driving home. I worked with some incredible people. I will miss them and I hope that they read this and know.
I am learning that god had put me in all the right places at the right time and that all things work out the way they are supposed to. I will do my best to walk on faith and trust the process that lies ahead. Stay tuned!!!
Less than 2 hours left and so much to do!!!
I promise in not trying to take time out to write in the blog. I have to pun every 3 hours and I actually bring work with me into the mothers room but I finished it!! ;-). It's going by too fast! I will miss my friends!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
One day left...
And I'm not counting. ;-). It's almost here and it's hard to believe. I have been working tonight on my business books. It's month end and I am getting clarity on my sales for the month and getting clear on what I've sold, my per face average, how many sharing appointments it takes to get a new team member, etc... These numbers will be so helpful in my career advancement and in setting intentional income goals. I'm so pumped!! Ill keep you posted. Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
2.5 days left ...and they are bittersweet
I had John bring Jack into work today for show and tell. It was fun. Jack is such a good baby. He loves people and he's so alert. Here's Dinorah, one of my very dear friends holding Jack and then Lyndsay Wesrgaard, another friend and brand new Mary Kay consultant, holding Jack. It was fun.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
4 days left ...
4 days left of working. Incredible. I'm feeling exhausted from trying to clean up my desk and balance my schedule with all that I have going on. This too shall pass. John was so sweet this morning and the past 2 mornings. He has let me sleep and got up to feed the baby. Jack pretty much goes to sleep at 7:30pm and we wake him up to give him another bottle at around 10 so that he makes it through the night. He sleeps until around 6:15am. Not too bad for a 4.5 month old. He's been sleeping through the night since he was 6 weeks old. I think that has kept me sane while adjusting to being a new mom.
Well enough of that. I'm sitting in the mothers room on my 'mothers break' and I love to throw a quick blog out to pass the time. This year is going to be one amazing year of growing and learning. Jack and I together on a development journey. I'm excited about it. I was just recently at a sales director training workshop with an amazing woman that has earned over $5 million in commissions in her mary Kay business. The one thing that stuck out for me was to create a plan. Now let me say that this is t something I haven't heard before. It just happened to be the right time for me to hear it and I was ready for it. God knows exactly when I need to hear something. So I have created a plan. A plan to work for and in my dreams and goals. I will post more about that throughout the days. Until then, here's my little munchkin face this morning. :-).
Monday, August 26, 2013
6 days left....and grandpa stops by for a surprise visit
It's amazing how time seems to fly. It goes the same speed but it feels like its going faster and slower at times. I think it's the lack of being in the moment. When I am in the moment time isn't a factor anymore. It's such a sweetness.
This morning and almost every morning I go get jack up to feed him. And even though the little angel is starving he smiles really big and flails his arms and makes a baby sound of joy. It's the best. And in that moment time does not exist. Because I am in the moment and I cherish it.
I am feeling sad about my last days of work coming up for the simple fact that I have worked with some incredible people. I am also very excited to design my own life. Being my own boss is my dream and it is coming true. In that process I will have time for Jack and John to enjoy life with them and create great memories. We are so blessed. We are financially secure thanks to our financial literacy and I am working to learn and create more of that all the time. I love my mary Kay for the openness it offers.
Yesterday my dad surprised us with a visit. I moved my mary Kay appointment to later and had lunch with my dad and he got to see Jack. It meant so much to me. I really want jack to know his grandpa Isan. He is one if my favorite people in the world. He has taught me work ethic and to dream big even though he doesn't know it. He taught me to be the amazing person that I am. I love him so much.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
3 states in 4.5 months-a traveling kid. :-)
Well Jack is working on gaining culture in his life. Or maybe I should say he's going to be thrown to the wolves; grandma, aunt Jeannie, and great grandma. He is developing his strength to handle women when he's older because we are in North Dakota for my sisters baby shower this weekend.
On another note, Jack has been to 3 states in his 4.5 months of life. We went to Dallas when he was 3 months old for Mary Kay seminar. I'm thinking of driving the 11 miles to South Dakota and this week or next going to Hudson WI just so Jack can say he visited 5 states in his first 5 months. Totally corny and cheesy but kind of fun and blog worthy. Maybe there will be a crazy picture taken too. And why not. Ill have time to have those little fun adventures because Ill be my own boss. Yea!!
Friday, August 23, 2013
7 days left until FREEDOM!!!
I am excited and sad at the same time. I have always wanted to be my own boss full time. It is about to happen. And at the same time I am showered with love from many wonderful people that I have workers with for the past 6.5 years. It is such a bittersweet moment. I feel like crying and laughing all at the same time. I am also scared, nervous, and anxious. I have fear about not being able to succeed in my business and provide for my family. As I write this I consciously know that I don't want my focus on that thought process and I know that I have success already. Such emotional turmoil. I also know that my intuition deep down inside is telling me that this is right. That this moment is a turning point. A point in my life where I have the opportunity to grow in my faith. I am willing to practice trusting God and his plan for my life, and in that giving up control. It is so hard but I find when I am in faith I'm also in peace. This picture anchored me this morning. I want to experience all of being a mother. ALL of it. I love you John and jack. Life with you is always teaching me about me and I have so much gratitude for that.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Moments of silence.
Last night when I got home from my Mary Kay event I fed baby jack and I just after I had burped him I just sat there with him on my lap curled under my arm. He was so content and peaceful and we had. One of those moments that I think moms can understand. Deep bonding that only parents feel. It was so special. I treasure them.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Time, it doesn't really move any faster its just an expression
I am in the final days of working for corporate America. It is truly a dream coming true. As friends and co workers are finding out that I'm leaving to stay home almost everyone mentions how they wish they could have stayed home too. I am so thankful that John and I made this choice together. We knew that we wouldn't want jack in daycare for at least the first year. I already feel like jack is going to be graduating from high school tomorrow. Each day is new. Each day he does something new. He makes a new noise, discovers a new body part. These moments are precious.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Change, never ending.
Well, it's been too long since I posted. I have 2 weeks left to my new life of being my own boss full time and staying home with beautiful baby boy jack. He is over 4 months old and so fun. Check this out. He is rotating as he plays on the floor.
The joys of watching him grow up are truly amazing. I am so grateful that I will get to be at home to cherish every moment. I am also grateful for my time at my full time job that helped me to save up money in abundance for this time in my life. God has blessed me and our family.
As I looked on our living courageously list. I can cross off " Be a Mom". :-). Probably one of the coolest experiences ever.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
It's been a while I know... Heres some updates on how courageously we are living. John and I have created a miracle and are expecting our first baby at the end of March. Everything is going well as we prep as much as we can for our little one to arrive. I am so looking forward to my new adventure of being my own boss full time and being able to raise our child. God has taught me to let go with this pregnancy. I realize I have no control of the outcome. This challenge has been a blessing and I look forward to more learning as this adventure continues. This weekend I go to LA for Leadership Conference with Mary Kay. I am so pumped to see my girlfriends and get time away, learn new things and expand my horizons. I LOVE learning and growing and I am so grateful for Mary Kay for being such a great catalyst for that. Stay tuned I will keep you up to speed on new goals for my life and my business.
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